19. Juni 2022 Lesezeit: ~2 Minuten

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  • During a short trip to Berlin I met Kerstin on a roof terrace. It became a casual snapshot shooting with an old analog point & shoot camera. We did not want to capture sharpness and technical image quality, but simply a bit of summer feeling high above the city.   ... Published on 2023-10-24
  • Impressions from my photo shoot with Nausicaa in London. ... Published on 2023-10-10
  • Behind the scenes (BTS) images from my analog large format shooting with Diana which took place already last year. Thanks to my friend Aleksander Stojanov for making his fine studio available to us and for showing me his way of film development afterwards. His enthusiasm for the large format ... Published on 2023-09-19
  • Analog photography "on location" with my photo friend Ludo and the French photographer Charline, who kindly stepped in as a model. The location was a lost place in Alsace, France. The film format used is 6x7. ... Published on 2023-09-05
  • During a short trip to Berlin I met Kerstin on a roof terrace. It became a casual snapshot shooting with an old analog point & shoot camera. We did not want to capture sharpness and image quality, but simply a bit of summer feeling in the city. ... Published on 2023-08-22
  • Impressions from the shoot with Elly from Australia. We shot near Frankfurt am Main in a studio but found a car repair shop in the neighborhood even more interesting. The friendly workshop staff let us continue the photo shoot there. ... Published on 2023-08-15
  • Impressions from our analog shoot in Frankfurt. On film. ... Published on 2023-08-07
  • With Ana trying on in the tailor shop. ... Published on 2023-07-31