22. Januar 2019 Lesezeit: ~3 Minuten


  • Summer is great for street photography, probably in any city and any country. But summer in the Mediterranean is _amazing_ for street photography. Looking through the photos from our trip, despite fla ... Published on 2024-06-07
  • Summer is great for street photography, probably in any city and any country. But summer in the Mediterranean is amazing for street photography. Looking through the photos from our trip, despite flamingos and horses and red lakes, the street photos are our favorites. A lot of everyday life is happening ... Published on 2024-06-07
  • We are usually not regulary at amusement parks, especially not when we go on vacation with a more nature interested focus. How did we end up in Amigoland of all places then? The Camargue is mainly a very quiet, chill area. You've got salt lakes, pastures with horses, flamingos flapping ... Published on 2024-04-08
  • We are usually not regulary at amusement parks, especially not when we go on vacation with a more nature interested focus. How did we end up in Amigoland of all places then? ... Published on 2024-04-08
  • It is March. It is getting brighter, but certainly still wet. The first signs of spring are showing, and it is the perfect time to think of summers and trips our vacations. We for one went to France last year! And we totally haven't blogged about it yet - so ... Published on 2024-03-31
  • It is March. It is getting brighter, but certainly still _wet_. The first signs of spring are showing, and it is the perfect time to think of summers and trips our vacations. We for one went to France ... Published on 2024-03-31
  • About a year ago, we started a new hobby: bouldering. Bouldering is indoors climbing on walls, that are only approximately 3-4m high. As the routes aren't that long, they're usually more complicated than rockclimbing routes which are longer and focused on endurance. Now we got around to combine our two ... Published on 2023-10-14
  • About a year ago, we started a new hobby: bouldering. Bouldering is indoors climbing on walls, that are only approximately 3-4m high. As the routes aren't that long, they're usually more complicated ... Published on 2023-10-14
  • The date and time settings is not a camera setting photographers regularly have to think about about. Usually, you set them when you get the camera and flip through the menu and are generally amazed by the amount of stuff you can set. And then you forget all about it. ... Published on 2023-09-13
  • The date and time settings is not a camera setting photographers regularly have to think about about. Usually, you set them when you get the camera and flip through the menu and are generally amazed b ... Published on 2023-09-13